pekan lalu, Kepala Member of Associations FIFA Primo Corvaro
mengirimkan surat elektronik kepada Menpora, yang menjelaskan bahwa
kongres yang akan digelar sesuai kesepakatan, pada 17 Maret 2013 adalah
KLB. Namun Roy Suryo punya interpretasi berbeda soal hal tersebut.
Statuta PSSI, buat menggelar Kongres Biasa, PSSI harus sudah
mengumumkan agendanya enam pekan sebelum kongres bergulir. Buat
menggelar KLB, PSSI hanya butuh waktu empat pekan sebelum KLB guna
umumkan agendanya. Kesepakatan menggelar kongres pada 17 Maret 2013
sendiri baru dicapai pada 18 Februari 2013. Karena itulah FIFA menyebut
kongres itu sebagai KLB. Tapi, bukan statusnya yang jadi luar biasa.
Yang luar biasa hanyalah kondisinya," papar Roy, Senin (25/2/13) malam
Lazimnya, FIFA dan AFC bersurat menggunakan kop surat resmi
dengan ditandatangani oleh sekretaris jenderal masing-masing. Ini diatur
oleh Statuta FIFA untuk memastikan tidak ada tumpang-tindih keputusan
diantara badan-badan yang ada. Sementara, surat yang diterima Menpora
berupa surat elektronik personal yang dikirim oleh Corvaro.
Roy mengatakan bahwa Kemenpora telah menghubungi FIFA untuk mendapatkan penjelasan yang resmi.
tidak ingin terjadi multi interpretatif. Karena itu, saya pun kembali
bersurat ke FIFA. Saya minta FIFA menjelaskan maksud sebenarnya dari
surat tertanggal 22 Februari 2013 itu," tandas Roy.
Surat dari
Corvaro, selain mengatakan bahwa status kongres adalah KLB, juga memuat
poin-poin soal agenda kongres serta peserta kongres.
Berikut salinan surat dari Primo Corvaro kepada Menpora:
Dear Honourable Minister,
thanks for your update and we acknowledge the meeting between the
parties which seemingly shows good will which is of paramount importance
to overcome the current situation.
After consultation with the AFC, here are some comments with regard to your feedback :
the date and the deadline's requirements of the Congress. We deem that
the upcoming Congress be considered as an extraordinary Congress. Since
the statutes ask for a four weeks prior notification for such a
Congress, the agreement of the 18 February can be considered as
complying with the requirement. It is now important to draft the agenda
and send it to the members. We anticipate it will only contain the four
topics mentioned in the FIFA and AFC decision. To note that it will not
be possible to alter the agenda during the Congress due to the fact it
is extraordinary. However and in case it might disgruntle people, it is
important to know that an ordinary Congress should take place in the
following weeks and it would give the opportunity to the members to
raise any concern.
- the issue of the delegates. FIFA and
AFC refer to the member which took part in the Solo Congress and not to
the person. It means that the clubs/institutions which participated in
the Solo Congress are entitled to designate delegates. It could happened
that it ends up with the same person but only after due confirmation by
the member.
I thank you again for keeping us informed
about any progress and I wish you all the best in helping to ensure that
the FIFA and AFC requirements are met. I hope that we will soon also
hear good news with regard to the reunification of the two leagues or
with regard to the statutes of the PSSI which are part of the FIFA and
AFC requirements.
Best regards,
Primo Corvaro
Head of Member Associations
FIFA - Fdration Internationale de Football Association
8044 Zurich
Tel. +41-(0)43-222 7518
Mobile +41-(0)79-573 2755
Fax +41-(0)43-222 7502